Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin's Smiles and Smirks - Well Gosh, Ain't it Great???

Not exactly.

Let me tell you, I was all for seeing her fall flat on her face tonight. I do not like this woman in any way what-so-ever. I'm so left-leaning that I realize no matter what had happened tonight I would still vote for Obama on November 4th... however, that doesn't prohibit my ability to recognize inappropriate behavior when I see it.

No matter what the topic Palin smiles her way through the answer. Ya know, if this was a beauty pageant, a high school drama club audition or a political debate in a state where the population is low and 12-1 in favor of men, well then maybe it would fly.

However, this is a national Vice Presidential debate during some VERY SERIOUS times. We have troops at war. We have lost respect and standing around the world. 40 million Americans have no health insurance. Thousands of houses PER DAY are being foreclosed on, unemployment is up and we're on the verge of complete economic collapse. She wants to smile while she answers questions about her kids or her favorite movie, well fine, but when she's addressing questions about war and genocide, Wall Street bailouts and nuclear annihilation I'd prefer she do it without grinning from ear-to-ear.

Maybe it's just me, but I'm disgusted at petty one-liners and insulting jokes when the theme of the day is American families suffering. Call me callous but I'd like to know I'm voting for a "team" that not only says they take the global and American problems seriously, but actually looks like she means it.

Biden was smart, articulate and emotionally appropriate. To me, the clear winner. Palin... well she gets a big old F on my debate scorecard. She could have memorized and recited War and Peace, but if she keeps speaking at me with that grin and reminding me how, well gosh, she just doesn't take these most important topics seriously, then there's no other conclusion to draw than that she believes she's going to be the next American Idol, not the next American Vice President.

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