McCain: "There are significant differences between the two candidaes on tax policy. McCain would like to make the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 permanent, and has proposed a few more of his own."
... what would George do? They are called The Bush Tax cuts aren't they?
Obama: "Obama, by contrast, favors allowing the tax cuts to expire as scheduled for Americans earning more than $250,000 a year. He would raise taxes on capital gains and dividends, but has also promised tax breaks for low and middle-income Americans."
Source: Washington Post.
On Social Security:
McCain: "McCain has expressed support for individual investment accounts as a way to augment Social Security benefits."
... what would George do? He often talks about private retirement accounts.
Obama: "Obama has said he opposes individual accounts and doesn't favor increasing the retirement age or cutting benefits. But he has called for increasing the amount of payroll tax that very high-income workers pay by subjecting more of their income to the payroll tax."
Source: CNN
On Healthcare:
McCain's plan would not require anyone to have insurance, but he would change the tax incentives for getting it. No insurance will be required, but individuals would be able to get a tax credit. But here's the catch, now, individuals would be taxed on the subsidy they receive from their employers' plans (they aren't taxed on it now). SO, individual income tax is increased, and then offset by a credit.
... what would George do? QUOTE: "...put more power in the hands of individuals, by making private health insurance more affordable and accessible... The best way to make private insurance more affordable, however, is to reform the tax code."
Obama would make coverage mandatory for children, and he would create a National Health Insurance Exchange of public and private plans for the uninsured, for those who aren't eligible for other public programs and for small businesses. Obama would keep the tax-free subsidy for those covered at work. But he would also create a federal subsidy - based on income - for people who don't qualify for government plans such as Medicaid.
Sources: CNN,,
On Global Leadership:
McCain: "With his selection of Sarah Palin has his running mate, McCain cancels out much of the good he has said and done vis a vis global leadership. In Palin, here's a person who is focused narrowly on the provincial interests of conservative, right-wing Americans (or maybe just Alaskans), who advocates exploiting natural resources and burning fuel rather than conserving and coming up with energy alternatives, and who considers the defense of human rights to be unpatriotic. Imagine how the leaders of the rest of the world would deal with her as president. The United States would be a laughingstock among nations."
...sadly, we know what George has done to our position in the World.
Obama: "It's clear from Obama's reception in Europe and the Middle East earlier this year that world leaders would embrace him as a colleague." "Obama was the first major candidate to call for a swift diversion of U.S. troops to Afghanistan, and now both Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, have echoed those views... on Pakistan, Obama has long called for greater humanitarian aid to help that country wean itself from extremism. Now, in a bipartisan effort, Sens. Richard Lugar and Joseph Biden have sponsored a bill that would authorize $7.5 billion over five years in aid for building schools, roads, clinics and other development projects."
Sources: Business Week, Newsweek
On Energy:
McCain: Taking action now to break our dependency on foreign oil by reforming our transportation sector, Expanding domestic oil and natural gas exploration and production, Addressing speculative pricing of oil, and Drill Baby Drill.
...what George is doing: Drilling Baby Drilling.
Obama: Reduce carbon emissions 80-percent by 2050, Reduce carbon emissions 80-percent by 2050, Restore U.S. leadership on climate change, Set America on path to oil independence, Invest in a clean energy future, Support next generation Bio-fuels
Source: Fox Detroit, RNC Speech
On Education:
McCain: Make it easier for private companies and agencies to open charter schools that increase competition for district schools. Find a way around union contracts that stand in the way of making teaching more competitive. Keep existing federal education budget, but redistribute the money to more effective teachers, schools and programs.
...what would George do? Set the Budget McCain will keep, oh, and No child left behind (except you, and you and oh, that little one in the back)
Obama: Add $18 billion a year to education, to come from what is now being spent on the Iraq war, delaying some NASA programs and other inefficiencies in government spending. Lengthen the school day, expand aid to early childhood learning and intervene early to provide struggling students with special course work and counseling. Work with teachers' unions to make teaching a more competitive.
Source: Arizona Central
Remember, McCain has voted with Bush more than 90% of the time and has been in Washington a LONG time.
How does he represent change???
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