Tuesday, September 9, 2008

You Don't Have to Be a Pitbull to Sway People

In the last week I have had two conversations about politics will women I knew. I started off by asking them if they've been following it, and if they don't mind sharing who they think they'll vote for.

In both cases, the answer was "McCain."

Without freaking out (though my inner, flaming-liberal was screaming), I asked "why"...

Both answers were different, but both contained information that was just flat-out inaccurate or incomplete.

So nicely, I went on to say I'm 100% for Obama and here's why... on the ISSUES... I started with statements like "did you know..." and cited my sources (independent sources, major news outlets, things they'd recognize) and how McCain/Palin frightens me, especially as a woman, and specifics on why... again ISSUES (not how I think she's satan)... keeping it all as low-key as possible.

And in both cases I walked away from the conversation knowing I had impacted them. Each woman told me "you've got me thinking about Obama now".

I planted a seed in their minds... I informed them on the actual ISSUES - not on personality or who I like better. This is what really matters. People out there are hearing only the sound-bites and ads. They are living their lives, not paying attention the way you and I do, and if some of then, if some of them at least knew what McCain and Palin actually stood for, they'd run for the Obama-Ballot Box... but they have to know first.

Some cannot be converted. Some are as far right as I am far left.... and I'm bent so far left I can press my ear to the floor with my feet still planted on the ground (okay, not really). Don't waste your time on those. However, there are a lot of folks out there who can be convinced, who you can reach if you're not afraid to talk about it.

and when the conversation is over...
if it goes well you can go home and celebrate and believe maybe, just maybe, you got another Obama vote.

If it goes badly, go home and take your blood pressure meds.

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