I realized tonight as I was venting to my husband that I have a lot to say on this topic. I really need to get myself a blog... LOL
Seriously, though...
FIRST - The Politics: we ALL know that if the situation was reversed, if Barack Obama had a teenage daughter that turned out to be pregnant, the republicans would be screaming from the hilltops. I'm not saying that I expect Barack to get out on the stump calling Sarah's parenting into question, but I expect SOMEONE, one of the talking-heads, to do exactly that. If it was revealed that Chelsea was pregnant, or the fictional teenage daughter of Barack, or any prominent figure on the democratic side, the GOP attack dogs would be in full swing.
SECOND - The Parenting: As a working mother myself with a teenage daughter, I think it's despicable for Sarah Palin to thrust her daughter's life into the limelight by accepting this nomination. No matter how you hope that people don't judge and criticize, reality is that once you're in the public eye like a prominent politician or celebrity there is no escaping it. If she wants everyone to respect her daughter's privacy than she herself should have led by example and done that FIRST by not deciding to run for the second-most powerful position in the country.
Sarah Palin HAD A CHOICE to put her family first and put her political career on hold so she could be a better parent to her teenage daughter, who obviously needs all the love and guidance possible right now. Choosing to take the VP nomination and not only be away from home for extended periods of time, but wrapped up in very important government work, the work of the people who elect her, is flat-out irresponsible. And YES, I'd say the same thing if we were talking about a man; a father.
Speaking of being a parent, she has a new baby at home... one with special needs. I'm appalled that she would choose to 1) Go back to work 3 days after giving birth (as has been said) and 2) make the choice to go out on the campaign trail and saddle her husband and children with the lone task of caring for the baby. Even more appalling to think she might drag this baby out on the trail with her. And yes, again, I'd say that if she were a new Dad instead of a new Mom.
THIRD - This is a woman who believes in abstinence-only education. This is a woman who is pro-life without exception
If you are going to stand up and promote abstinence-only education for ALL OF OUR CHILDREN, then you better, first and foremost, be able to prove it works! How can you make such an argument when closest to home, in your own family with your own daughter, it has failed?
If you are going to stand up against abortion and promote laws that are pro-life without exception, you better be prepared to provide all the government services your administration seems so opposed to. More welfare, health-insurance for all, and the government making decision about our personal lives and medical care. I am SOOOO angry when I hear a well-off woman with more advantages than the average American, try to take a stand against the CHOICE for an abortion when it's a much easier choice for she-herself to choose otherwise. I am SOOOOO angry when I hear a well-off mother with more advantages than the average American, try to take a stand against the CHOICE for an abortion when her daughter has a much easier choice to make because of the money and support around her. There are a hell-of-a-lot of woman around this country who find themselves pregnant with NO support, NO resources, NO insurance and NO money and face a much harder choice.
Oh, and you want me to give her a medal because she CHOSE to have a baby with Downes-Syndrome (Also known as Trisomy 21)? I'm glad she was able to make that choice... I'm glad she has the love in her heart for a baby with special needs. I'm glad she had the resources around her to care for that baby, and the insurance funds or personal finances to provide the care it will need. Not everyone has those things.
There are also those, LIKE MYSELF, who are faced with much more tragic possibilities. When I was in my second trimester for a brief time the doctors thought it might be possible that my daughter would be born with Trisomy 13 or 15. MUCH more tragic. 80% of children born with Trisomy 13 will die within a few days of birth, or be born dead, and those that survive often have multiple abnormalities. Complete Trisomy 15 is a lethal abnormality. Have you thought about what it might be like to be told your baby will be lethally deformed at birth, or dead? And consider this... what would that be like if you didn't have family support, insurance, resources or money? Luckily, for me, I had good insurance for further testing that revealed all would be okay.
What's the best way to reduce the number of abortions? Good Education and Birth Control. Something that obviously, her own daughter, lacked.
MOST women who have abortions don't take it lightly, and this is NOT an easy issue. We should ALL want to reduce the number of abortions, but going down the path or no birth-control, abstinence-only education combined with making abortions illegal is FAR scarier for the impact it will have on our society, our women AND our children! I'm certainly NOT striving for a life where my daughter ends up pregnant before graduating highschool, are you?
FOURTH - Experience: While I haven't hashed out all my ideas on this one yet, I know that I trust a Senator of a State with a population of 12 million vs. a Governor of a State with a population of twelve guys, one woman and two Moose - correct that, one; she shot the other one. Okay, seriously, Alaska only has a population of 700 thousand. That's a whole lot less than 12 million. It also seems to be that in her time of power she's managed to get herself investigated, get pregnant and not keep close enough tabs on her teenage daughter. I'm not sure that's the experience we need.
It's also a REAL possibility, a legitimate concern, that John McCain could become unable to lead. Let's face it, he's old... and I'm not just saying that to be funny. There are certain plans I make because my inlaws are now in their 70's and certain things I know they are and are not capable of. Do we want a president who is at the age we question whether he can adequately conquer email and driving? I digress... ultimately, it's quite possible Sarah would have to take the reigns at some point... does SHE have the experience necessary to lead this country? It's ironic that the republicans wanted to say Barack didn't have enough when they've gone out and found someone with even LESS.
LAST but not least - Not just ANY Vagina: I am so offended that the republicans seem to think I might just change my mind and vote for their team because they've drafted their own vagina into the ranks. I didn't approve of Hillary just because we shared some anatomy or because I though she had fashion sense. Hillary is a smart woman, a senator (for a largely populated state), and stands for things I can get behind. She epitomizes a strong woman with the capability to lead this country. Sarah? Well see above. Lest we forget she's an anti-birth control, pro-life, big-gun toting, wolf- and moose-killing vagina.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Not Just ANY Vagina -- Sarah Palin, Teen Pregnancy and Politics
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